
Advancing Carbon Removals: Q&A with JPMorgan Chase’s Taylor Wright

除碳是实现低碳转型的重要组成部分. Taylor Wright, Head of Strategy and Carbon Management, Operational Sustainability at JPMorgan Chase, reflects on her experience in helping the firm build a science-driven, carbon management strategy.

December 1, 2023

12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)正在寻求支持二氧化碳去除(CDR)技术的发展,并加强自愿碳市场. 告诉我们你在12bet官方的角色以及你在这两个项目中的工作?

In my role, 我专注于实施策略,以减少我们日常运营对环境的影响, including from our corporate offices, retail branches, and data centers. 我们制定了一系列目标,以帮助减少我们的温室气体(GHG)足迹, 包括到2030年将我们的第一类和第二类温室气体排放量在2017年的基础上减少40%的目标.

虽然我们继续优先考虑减少我们的运营排放, we also purchase voluntary carbon credits to address unabated Scope 1, Scope 2 or Scope 3 business travel emissions annually. 我们认为,努力避免这种情况符合所有公司的利益, 按此顺序减少和/或中和其自身运营和价值链中的排放,并且不应使用碳信用额来不合理地阻止或取代这些努力. However, 碳信用额度可以在补充这些努力和加速向低碳经济的整体转型方面发挥重要作用.

As a large financial institution, we set high standards and conduct extensive due diligence, 促进对高质量信贷评估的总体需求和最佳实践的进步. 除了购买信用额度作为我们解决自身运营排放问题的努力的一部分, 该公司还为客户的转型工作提供战略建议, enhances liquidity through credit trading, connects buyers and sellers, and deploys capital to promote decarbonization solutions.

在帮助制定应对气候危机和推动经济增长的解决方案方面,金融业可以通过多种方式发挥作用. 你在12bet官方的工作以何种方式对其经营或服务的社区产生影响?

At JPMorgan Chase, 我们努力帮助正在构建创新气候解决方案的公司更快地发展壮大. As one of the world’s largest financial institutions, 12bet官方以多种方式参与自愿碳市场——两者都是我们自身碳管理战略的一部分, 并支持客户向低碳经济转型的努力.

In May 2023, to help speed and scale the growth and development of CDR technologies, 12bet官方宣布,它签署了长期协议,购买超过2亿美元的优质产品, durable CDR. These agreements are intended to remove and store 800,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO₂e).

As part of these agreements, 我们正在与多家公司合作,这些公司正在开发从大气中去除二氧化碳的创新技术. I had the 很高兴参观我们合作的公司之一,魅力工业, earlier this year. I was impressed with their vision for making an impact on the climate, 同时也对他们所在的社区产生积极的影响. 正是这种创新可以帮助世界实现其气候目标, 同时继续通过为农业和农村社区提供就业机会来支持经济.


Over the past two decades, 为建立和发展一个有效的自愿碳市场,各国付出了巨大努力, and it has enabled considerable investment in climate solutions. However, as decarbonization accelerates across the global economy, we anticipate that demand for carbon credits will continue to increase, 此外,还需要进一步发展和加强市场,以满足这一需求.

For this to happen, several significant and interrelated challenges need to be addressed, including quality supply, market integrity, market complexity/fragmentation and market maturity. JPMorgan Chase is uniquely positioned to help address these challenges, 不仅仅是通过购买高质量的碳信用额度来解决我们自己的排放问题, 而是通过帮助推动高诚信碳项目的大规模融资.

What makes you hopeful for the future?

看到人们对碳清除领域的热情和发展,帮助组织实现自己的气候目标,这真是令人难以置信的鼓舞. 我有幸结识了许多在这个领域工作的人和公司,并向他们学习.

Not only are there many more of them now than there were a few years ago, 但各个经济部门也开始对这一领域表现出兴趣. This enthusiasm, passion, 专业知识和合作解决真正复杂问题的意愿是推动更可持续未来的一个有希望的迹象.

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