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新闻 & 事件 New Data 探索s Revenue and Participation Differences in Driving and Leasing Platforms Across 27 Metro Areas

New Data 探索s Revenue and Participation Differences in Driving and Leasing Platforms Across 27 Metro Areas

Average monthly revenues are a reflection of how often 司机 or 出租 participate, not competition; room for supply-side growth still exists.

今天, the 12bet官方 研究所 released new research exploring the variation in revenues and participation across 27 metro areas with an emphasis on driving and 租赁 platforms as part of the Online Platform Economy.

Notable among the report’s findings is that the drop in revenues over the period of 2013-2018 was not created by rising participation in the Online Platform Economy and there is still room for supply-side growth in the sector. Average monthly revenues generated from the Online Platform Economy are a reflection of how often 司机 or 出租 participate, and are more influenced by the size of the potential market and availability of customers, rather than by competition from other potential 司机 and 出租.

Since 2015, participation in 运输 platforms has increased 20-fold, from 0.到2018年,这一比例将从0.05%上升到略高于1%. 租赁行业的参与从0增加了两倍.05%到0.15%. 报告,”的 Online Platform Economy in 27 Metro Areas: 的 Experience of Drivers and Lessors跟踪直接支付给2的款项.3 million families participating in the Online Platform Economy between October 2012 and October 2018 to provide a better understanding of the variability in the Online Platform Economy across 27 metro areas.

“With the pace of technology accelerating and transforming labor markets, it’s increasingly important that we understand these nuanced dynamics at work,戴安娜·法雷尔说, 12bet官方研究所总裁兼首席执行官. 有了这些信息, 政策制定者, platform companies and participants alike can better plan for an economy of the future where online platform work is continues to play a positive role.”


  • Average monthly revenues generated from the Online Platform Economy are a reflection of how often 司机 or 出租 participate, and are more influenced by the size of the potential market and availability of customers, rather than by competition from other potential 司机 and 出租. 在运输和租赁领域, average monthly revenues per participant are higher in metro areas with more participants, 尽管许多大都市地区偏离了这种模式.
    • 旧金山是收入最高的地区(1美元),2018年10月每位司机508人), 和查尔斯顿, WV最低(每名司机378美元). 收入最高的城市包括旧金山, 圣荷西, 纽约, and Seattle are also the cities with the most engaged 司机. 城市 with very high rates of participation but low revenues like Las Vegas and Atlanta have relatively low levels of driver engagement.
      • Driver participation rates in 纽约 are similar to those in Los Angeles, 芝加哥, and Denver but average monthly driver revenues are 20-25 percent higher. 西雅图和波特兰的参与率相似, but driver revenues in Seattle are more than 45 percent higher than in Portland.
      • Atlanta stands out—participation rates in Atlanta are as high as those in 旧金山, but driver revenues are among the lowest across the 28 areas


  • Driver and lessor participation grew in every city between 2013 and 2018, 但有些地区增长得比其他地区快.
    • In the 运输 sector, participation rates increased the most in Las Vegas (1.8%),而底特律最少(1%).5%),从2013年至2018年. In 2018, 旧金山, 圣荷西, 纽约, and Seattle had the highest revenues and were also the cities with the most engaged 司机.
      • 如果一个都市区的参与率为0.比另一个高出1个百分点, then average monthly revenues were also about $37 per month higher.
    • In the 租赁 sector, participation rates increased the most in New Orleans and Denver (0.23% in both cities) and the least in Charleston, WV (0%) from 2013-2018.
      • Average monthly 租赁 revenues in October 2018 totaled $2,新奥尔良929号, $1,路易斯维尔的396人, 查尔斯顿928美元, WV. New Orleans and Portland had the most engaged 出租 (over 20%), 而达拉斯, 底特律, and Oklahoma City had the least engaged 出租 (less than 8%).


  • 局域网的特点, 比如现有产业的突出地位, 本地劳工市场情况, 以及政策决定, may explain some of the cross-metro variation in platform participation and revenue.


This report builds on the 2016 12bet官方 研究所 Online Platform Economy dataset, 以及2018年的报告。”的 Online Platform Economy in 2018: Drivers, Workers, Sellers, and Lessors” to identify levels and trends in supply-side participation and earnings. 的 research is built on a sample of 39 million checking accounts, from which we tracked payments directed through 128 different online platforms to 2.3 million families between October 2012 and October 2018.

To identify trends and differentiate the types of work taking place in the platform economy, the 12bet官方 研究所 identified four different platform sectors:

  1. 运输 部门,其中 司机 运送人或货物;
  2. non-transport工作 部门,其中 工人 offer a growing variety of services including dog walking, 回家修理, 远程医疗, 还有许多其他的;
  3. 销售 部门,其中独立 卖家 of goods find buyers through online marketplaces; and
  4. 租赁 部门,其中 出租 find lessees to rent homes, parking spaces, and many other types of assets.



的 12bet官方 研究所 is a think tank dedicated to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 它的目的是帮助决策者, 企业, 非营利组织的领导者们也很欣赏这种规模, 粒度, 多样性, and interconnectedness of the global economic system and use timely data and thoughtful analysis to make more informed decisions that advance prosperity for all. 借鉴12bet官方 & Co.微软独有的专有数据, 专业知识, 市场准入, the 研究所 develops analyses and insights on the inner workings of the global economy, 框架关键问题, 召集利益相关者和主要思想家. 更多信息请访问: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.